it doesn't take much to make me happy, walking by and admiring the great stone structures ( the glass ones I ignore or hiss at) throughout my city, an out of print copy of a favorite book or looking for something that vanished decades ago and seeing remnants of it still there. So within this week I observed, a building that use to be a nightclub some 80 years ago and still bearing the brackets of the sign that hung there ( note: will go to the library and pesture the librarian to see said photos of such a place in it's heyday), spoke to a dear friend in Japan out of the blue on an unsually warm evening, and the sweetest thing of all, seeing a little girl curled up in a chair and actually reading a book and spelling out the words in it...
there are still some magical moments out there if you know where or more importantly when to look.
Feeling Blue
It's been a sobering couple of weeks. As I regroup my thoughts, I'm certain
of one thing: I care deeply about this planet and all the creatures who
4 weeks ago